If someone were to ask the question “how long is a football game?” The most common answer would be 90 minutes, as that is the regulation length for any game of 11-a-side football that is played. However, sometimes the most common answer is not always fully correct and when you consider the differing age ranges that will play the beautiful game on any given week, that length of time can vary. Therefore, if someone were to ask you “how long is a football match?” and you were to suggest 90 minutes as the answer, that would only signify a half-truth – which means an additional layer of context would be required.
Content that comes in the age of players taking to the field and once that necessary information has been provided, you should be able to then offer a definitive answer. Then again, you may not be aware of all the different levels of timings.Do you know the difference between the Under 7’s and the Under 17’s? If you are unaware, then fear not. because we’ve crafted this handy guide and one that will highlight all the varying lengths that a football match can be. Working on the assumption that someone has asked you “how long is a football game in the UK?” – here is a breakdown of all the different answers:
Mini Soccer (under 7s to Under 10s) - Two halves of 20 minutes.
U7 & U8s 5-a-side. U9 & U10s 7-a-side
Starting with the shortest length games of all, the introduction to football should not be one that creates too much physical exertion for junior groups and for those between the ages of 7 and 10, you can expect a game of 40 minutes in total.
Two halves of 20 minutes will be the permitted length within this age range, although there is a slight difference depending on what age group you will be competing in. For those in the Under 7’s and 8’s, they will take part in 5-a-side matches and for the Under 9’s and 10’s, it will be 7-a-side.
Which means if you are attempting to get your son and daughter involved in football for the first time and are worrying about how much time such an activity will take up per week, this should give you an idea.
Ultimately if your child wants to get involved, but you are thinking “how long does a football game last, I’m not sure I can commit to 90 minutes or more every week”, this insight should hopefully put your mind at ease.
U11s & U12's-30 minutes per half
For those playing in the Under 11 or 12’s age range, things start to get slightly longer than before and instead of 20 minutes per half, read 30 instead. While an extension in the match length, is not the only change either.
Change that comes with more players on the pitch and although the experience is not full size just yet, two more players per team will be welcomed when compared to the Under 10’s. In doing so, it just staggers the progression curve between junior and senior football.
U13 & U14S - 35 minutes
Going up the age range scale now and once again there is another change in terms of timings. If you have a son or daughter who is playing in the Under 13’s or 14’s and were wondering how many minutes in a football game of theirs, the answer is 70.
70 minutes, split into two equal 35-minute halves and as the length of time gets a little longer than the more junior groups, this is the first age bracket which sees 22 players take to the pitch in the pursuit of glory.
U15 & U16 - 40 minutes
11-a-side. Introduction to size 5 ball
Once again there is another change in terms of timing and as those junior players start to enter their teenage formative years, they have another 10 minutes in total to deal with. For those who play in either the Under 15’s or 16’s, they will have two 40-minute halves to contend with.
Not quite the adult version of football that we witness on the television, but not far off either and there is one considerable difference compared to all the age groups mentioned previously in the article.
As here, those 15 and 16-year-olds will gain their first exposure to a size 5 ball and although playing with smaller sizes will have aided their technical skills in the past, now it is time to see what they can do with a regulation sized ball.
U17, U18 and adult - 45 minutes
While for those who play in the Under 17’s and above, it is football as we know and love it. Add the Under 18’s into the conversation as the last tier of the junior game and these two categories, will get a real taste of the adult version that will soon follow.
45 minutes, 11-a-side, a full-size football. From here the progression curve reaches its conclusion and at this point, those players who have gradually played more and more football as they get older, will now be able to deal with the demands of adult level competition.
While if your skills are a bit rusty or you want to get some exposure to the game of football, then Coachability is the place for you. Our fully trained coaches are on hand to tailor sessions, that will sharpen your technique in not time at all.
Our fun and engaging sessions will make sure that you are worked hard but at the same time have plenty of fun and there is nothing better than playing football with a smile on your face. So don’t delay, call Coachability and be a match winner today.